Torsten A. Hoffmann "Der abstrakte Blick. Kompositionsschule für eine künstlerische Fotografie"
- Order number: 978-3-86490-338-0
Die Fotografie bildet die Wirklichkeit ab und ist daher stets auf einen Gegenstand bezogen. Muss sie deshalb auch »gegenständlich« sein oder kann sie die Welt auch abstrahieren? In seinem neuen Buch zeigt Ihnen Torsten Andreas Hoffmann, wie Sie sich mithilfe der Fotografie vom Gegenständlichen lösen und abstrakten Formen zu einem Eigenleben verhelfen. Einfach und verständlich führt er Sie von einer noch gegenständlichen über die semi-abstrakte zur vollkommen abstrakten Bildgestaltung in der Fotografie.
Anhand zahlreicher Bildbeispiele erklärt Ihnen der Autor, wie jedem gegenständlichen Bild ein abstraktes Grundmuster zugrunde liegt. Zunächst geht er in einem ersten Teil präzise auf die optischen Grundformen wie Punkt, Linie, Kreis, Dreieck, Rechteck etc. ein. Wie gelingt es durch ein geschicktes Zusammenspiel dieser Elemente, dass der Bildfläche Kraft verliehen wird?
Im zweiten Teil des Buchs dreht sich alles um die Wirkung von Farbe: Farben erzeugen Emotionen, haben eine psychologische Wirkung. Auch die Farbkontraste wie Komplementärkontrast, Qualitäts- und Quantitätskontrast werden auf ihre Bildwirkung hin untersucht.
In einem dritten Anwendungsteil zeigt der Autor sehr pragmatisch, wie man von einzelnen Fotogenres ausgehend zu einer Abstraktion bei der Bildgestaltung kommen kann. Dabei werden die Genres Stadt, Landschaft sowie Banales und Alltägliches betrachtet.
Abschließend demonstriert Torsten Andreas Hoffmann, wie man sich mit den Mitteln der Doppelbelichtung und Unschärfe einer vollkommenen Abstraktion nähern kann.
- Amateurfotografen
- Berufsfotografen
- Kunstfotografen
Hardcover, 21 x 25,6 cm, 310 Seiten, komplett in Farbe
ISBN: 978-3-86490-338-0
Sprache: Deutsch
Torsten A. Hoffmann *1956, Düsseldorf, Germany Torsten Andreas Hoffmann is a photographer, author and director of photo workshops. He studied art education with a focus on photography at the College of Fine Arts in Braunschweig. Photo trips led him and others to India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal, Turkey, the USA, the Sahara and the United Arab Emirates. His works have been shown in numerous exhibitions by renowned galleries (including Leica Gallery Frankfurt, Leica Gallery Salzburg, imago-fotokunst Berlin, Jehangir Art Gallery Mumbai) and publications (over 20 illustrated volumes). Magazines such as Geo, Merian, Chrismon, photography, mare, etc., but also international magazines have published his work. His conceptual work on September 11, 2001 has been disseminated worldwide. Since 2003, he has been writing regular picture-making series in well-known photographic journals and internationally successful didactic books such as his classics published in six languages "The Art of B & W Photography", "Photography as Meditation" or his latest book "The Abstract View". If he has devoted himself to black and white photography for years, he now also devotes himself to conceptual photography and works for large project development companies. His calendars, books and conceptual photographs have won numerous awards. Numerous images hang in various collections and boardrooms of banks and other companies. He is a member of the Munich-based picture agency LOOK, the BBK Frankfurt and the German Society for Photography (DGPh). ... mehr
Torsten A. Hoffmann: Composer of Man and Space October 29, 2021 - January 15, 2022 Hoffmann captures people in their urban and rural living space in a fascinating and creative composition. Whether it is the integration in visual mirror formations or the simple but well-thought-out street scene, the human being is at the center of his observations. In doing so, he often doesn't stop at socially critical locations and integrates a portion of humor in other images. Torsten Andreas Hoffmann was born in Düsseldorf and studied art education with a focus on photography at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig. His work can be seen in over 20 illustrated books, numerous exhibitions and publications. Well known, already published in its 4th edition, is the book “Frankfurt - New York, photographic perspectives of two metropolises”, in which he compares the “small” Main metropolis with its “big” model in graphic black and white photographs. His latest illustrated book "The Magic of Black and White Photography" was recently published.... mehr
Exclusive exhibition tour and booksigning with Torsten A. Hoffmann October 30, 2021 from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm On the occasion of our new exhibition "Torsten A. Hoffmann: The composer of man and space", which can be visited from Friday, October 29, 2021 at the Leica Gallery Frankfurt, we invite you to an event afternoon with Torsten A. Hoffmann. This Saturday, October 30, 2021 we are offering an exclusive guided tour through the exhibition with Torsten A. Hoffmann from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm . The number is limited to 15 participants. We therefore ask you to register Registration for the tour . A booksigning will take place from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm , at which Torsten A. Hoffmann will be happy to answer your questions and personally sign your book. No registration is required for booksigning. We only ask you to bring your mouth and nose protection with you during your stay and to pay attention to the safety distances. We are looking forward to your visit.... mehr